Saturday, January 15, 2011

Urban Cowboys and a Leap of Faith

Cubicle Blues
Broken down dreams all wash away
with each sip of coffee taken to get through the day.
Why aren't we living?
Time ain't forgiving of the hours and minutes we idle away.
Contained by cubicles and stuck in stalls.
The ghost of ambition drifts through the halls.
As we waste our precious hours,
and precious days behind desks, tied to phones.
Losing would be thoughts and has been dreams
down to the unknown.
We don't know where we're going,
all we know is where we’ve been.
And that something finally snapped,
something stirred from deep within.

Before I continue, I want to thank Catherine McCarthy for the discussions we had and ideas we exchanged that wound up in tonight's entry.

This Urban Cowboy is a man who followed his passion. Competing in rodeos is not necessarily the status quo, yet, there he is. Hailing a taxi so he can catch his flight to the next rodeo competition. We should never be ashamed to want more than what society tells us we should want. If you want to be a cowboy, and compete in rodeos...DO IT. If you want to go on a bike tour across the country to learn about sustainability (shout out to the Cultural REcyclists...check out this amazing group of people, and their incredible journey at:!!!) then DO IT. If you want to go teach english abroad...DO IT. The only thing stopping you is yourself. We should never be afraid to take that leap of faith, for as we venture out into the unknown, we will find that opportunity awaits.

If we are able to muster our courage and jump off the metaphorical cliff, we will discover a happier life. Those that don't take chances wind up living with the ghosts of sadness and regret. Sadness will slow you down with his constant clinging as regret dances around you, regaling you with tales of everything you could have done and the person you could have been.

So when you find yourself at the edge of that cliff wondering: "To jump, or not to jump?" what will you do? Look through the pages of your life's history and recognize the cliffs that you walked away from. What was it that caused you to walk away? Fear. We allow fear to consume us, paralyzing us on the edge of our cliff and ultimately convincing us to walk away. We mustn't turn our backs on the adventures that life has in store for us. Grab the bull by the horns (had to throw in a rodeo reference!), trust your journey, trust your dreams and take that blind leap. Beyond the cliff, you will find the thrill of living as you experience the life you were meant to live.

And don't wait until tomorrow. Live your dreams. The time is now.

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