Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy Flu Year

Greetings friends!

I can't believe it's already January 3, 2013. I've been sick since New Years Eve, with an awful flu. Seriously folks, get your flu shots. There is nothing fun about this, except that my dog won't leave my side. He's the best.

Anyway, as you can imagine, the past four days have been a bit of a blur. And while it has been pretty miserable, I am thankful for my health. My body is strong, and fully capable of fighting this off. Today is the first day that I feel somewhat like a person. I am thankful that this happened right at the beginning of a New Year. It was a bit of a wake-up call to me. There I was, optimism practically leaking from my pores. Ready to take on a New Year, and all that it has to offer...when slap! Hello reality, pleasure to meet you. What's that you say? The flu? But...I have plans! Big plans! This showed me that I need to take better care of my body. I need to take more vitamins, get active again, and eat better. This is my one body, and my one life. Making every moment count only goes so far. You have to treat your body right, so that you CAN make every moment count. It goes hand-in-hand.

That said, I've been doing some thinking in regards to my bucket list project. While I would LOVE to attempt 365 items, I think that for my own sake, I am going to cut it down to one item per week. 52 items, in 52 weeks. That will allow me more time to take care of myself physically. I can do more, if the opportunities present themselves. But I think this will be best for me.

On New Years Day, I tried so hard to come up with a Bucket List item to start with. I had no energy, and couldn't even talk. So, I decided to start working on my "I'm embarrassed that I haven't seen these movies" list. I watched The Graduate. Not the most exciting way to start a bucket list project, but hey, I had to work within my limits.

Happy New Year, folks. Take care of yourself, of your dreams, and of your passions.


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