Every February, something magical happens in the lush valleys of Central PA. In the world's largest student run philanthropy, thousands of Penn State students stand up in the fight against pediatric cancer during the Penn State Dance Marathon. THON is a year long fundraising effort by Penn State students which culminates in a 46 hour no-sitting, no-sleeping dance marathon. All funds raised go directly to The Four Diamonds Fund at Hershey Medical Center, and provides complete financial support for families fighting the battle against Pediatric Cancer. Last year THON raised $12,374,034.46. Yep. That's over $12 million dollars. All For The Kids.
My first THON was eight years ago. I still remember when the total was revealed: $5.2 million. I saw the captain from my committee weeping with joyous exhaustion. Bald children squirt water guns into the air, riding their dancers shoulders victoriously into battle. And I understood what I had devoted my year to. I understood what the past 46 hours had meant, and what it was for. I knew what I would spend the next three years doing, and that I would never give up on these kids: my superheroes.
In 2010, I took to the dance floor and stood for the full 46 hours. My memories of that year are a blur, coming back to me in snapshots of baby powder, balloons, high fives, hallucinations, massages, and the best vanilla tea I've ever had. I remember collecting toys, and attaching bags of goodies to my fanny pack. I remember my teddy bear (who had a southern accent) making a date with another teddy bear. I remember the incredible support from my friends, and family. As of THON 2013, Penn State Sudents have raised over $100 million for the fight. We have brought laughter and love into the lives of children, and their families who need to forget about being sick--even if it's just for a few hours, or for a weekend.
For the first time in eight years, it's THON, and I'm not there. But my heart is swelling with Penn State Pride for the incredible students who carry the torch. Every year, THON amazes me. This year, I'm glued to the webcast (which is set up + constantly playing in a corner of my apartment in Jerusalem.)
To experience THON is to witness the unstoppable courage, honesty, wisdom, and strength of humanity. It's love. The dancers inspire the children, and the children inspire the dancers. It's a beautiful cycle of inspiration and love. I keep THON close to my heart, and try to live my life by the four diamonds: Courage. Honesty. Wisdom. Strength. One day we will dance in celebration. Until then, we dance to find a cure.
To make a donation, and see what it's all about go to www.thon.org. Click to view the live webcast, or donate to this incredible cause. Additionally, 100% of proceeds from copies of my book, "The Gray Days", sold this weekend will be donated to THON. Read about it at Onward State.
ForTheKids, forever and always, no matter where in the world I live.